Meet Veneta Stoyanova

I grew up in Bulgaria towards the end of the Cold War. As I witnessed the fall of one socioeconomic system and the rise of another, I noticed how quickly the behaviors of those around me changed to adapt to a new life. I remarked, however, that these changes were merely surface-level: the core beliefs and values of many remained static. 

I spent my early adult life completing my medical training and working as an ICU nurse at a hospital in Sofia. With a limited ability to travel, I often wondered about the West and envisioned a life for myself there. 

Eventually, after obtaining a green card, I immigrated to the United States with hopes for a bright future. It was through my immigration journey that I  began to understand better the phenomenon I had observed in the Bulgarian people following the fall of socialism. In experiencing such a sudden change, their focus was not on processing its deeper impacts, but on surviving in a new and challenging era. 

Now experiencing my own drastic change, I realized the importance of more deeply exploring my values and how I might expand and adapt them to fit into the new society I found myself in. Day by day, conversation by conversation, I uncovered new ways of interacting with the world and was mindful of how these influenced my perspectives. 

I completed my training as a psychiatrist, and after 20 years in this field, I am interested in expanding my scope of work by setting up a separate coaching/mentoring practice. Using my observations of personal growth in myself and others, as well as my formal training in hypnosis, women’s center coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Family Constellations, I believe I can help others better connect with their core values and express themselves in their truest ways.